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Aluminum Extrusion Process Overview

Apr. 12, 2024

The aluminum extrusion process involves several steps to transform raw aluminum billets into finished extruded profiles:


1. **Billet Heating**: The process begins with heating the aluminum billets to a specific temperature range, typically between 400°C to 500°C, to soften the metal and make it more malleable.


2. **Extrusion**: The heated billets are then loaded into the extrusion press, where they are forced through a shaped die under high pressure. The die imparts the desired cross-sectional shape to the extruded aluminum, which emerges as a continuous length of profile.


3. **Cooling**: Once extruded, the profiles are cooled using water or air quenching to enhance their mechanical properties and dimensional stability.


4. **Aging**: Some extrusions undergo a heat treatment process called aging to further improve their strength and hardness. This involves heating the profiles to a specific temperature and holding them for a predetermined time before cooling.


5. **Finishing**: Finally, the extruded profiles may undergo various finishing processes, such as cutting, machining, anodizing, or powder coating, to meet specific customer requirements.


By carefully controlling each stage of the extrusion process, manufacturers can produce high-quality aluminum profiles with precise dimensions and mechanical properties suitable for a wide range of applications.
